Bounty Parenting Feature
Did you see us get a mention in Bounty Parenting! We were so excited for our story to be shared on such an amazing parenting platform!
If you want to read the full story click here. Otherwise read on for our FAV bits, we are VERY excited to share it with you.
From beginning to end the Bounty team mention our passion and drive for hygienic standards to increase within the family home, mixed with our intention to make this the most easy to use device when on the go, and let’s not forget our added bonus of saving the planet (and your wallet in the long run).
Here are some of our favourite excerpts from the article.
‘An Aussie company had plans to disrupt the billion-dollar baby wipe industry with an innovative device specifically designed for parents on the do and we’re fascinated’ - Bounty Parenting.
‘While the design is new to the market, the philosophy is simple, retreating back to the best practical and proven method of hygiene - soap & water! File this under ‘why didn't we think of this?’ - Bounty Parenting.
Through the Baby Bum Shower we have created the perfect balance between form and function through numerous prototypes, and we are so happy that the parenting world is able to enjoy our vision, and see the difference that it makes in people's lives.
Thank you to Bounty Parenting for this amazing feature, we cannot wait for parents from all around the world to create a happier, healthier environment for their families with us!